Monday, January 18, 2010

Txting in School

Why can't we txt in school? Because cell phones "distract" us. Because they "have nothing to do with school". They're good enough reasons, but we still insist on doing it, and getting in trouble. In my school, the first time we get our phones taken away, we get them at the end of the day, no questions asked. The second time they get taken away, our parents have to come to the school and pick it up for you. I recently got it taken away for the third time, and my mom had to pick it up, and as a punishment, i currently have an in-school suspension. I am actually typing this post in the office right now. And even after this, im very sure i wont stop txting in school, and i know that i shouldn't. I only think the school should learn how to punish students better. Even with fights, i got suspended 3 days (out of-school) for fighting. Thats not bad though, i think in school suspensions are bullshit, no matter what you did. But i guess i will defend txting in school, like all the other kids. If we were allowed to txt in school, we would be very quiet, but theres not really any other reason to WHY we should be ABLE to txt in school. I know its wrong, and we shouldn't do it, but we do it anyways. Sometimes just to be bad.