Wednesday, March 2, 2011

IF... YOU... SEEK... AMY... ;)

"Love me, hate me, say what you want about me, but all the boys and all the girls are beggin to if you seek Amy" =P

There's not much to say about this song.. It's pretty darn obvious that Brittney Spears wants to go home with someone, and not for some pie! The message isn't necessarily 'HIDDEN', but you should be able to get the jyst of things.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Us and the Media

Everyone can be influenced by advertising, both positively and negatively. Advertisements may cheer us up, or show us things that can improve our life. They could also make us feel like dirt, or make us want to pick up unhealthy habits.

-How we dress? When we see new clothes on commercials, or in magazines, we want them. especially if they're nice, or if that's whats "in".

-How we behave and speak? Most of us try and copy what the media portrays. For example, if the media is trying show that being mean is cool, many of us may act like that.

-How we feel about ourselves? The media usually buts beautiful, attractive people in Ad's. This makes people think they need to look better, and they become self conscious.

-How we spend our time and money? The media and advertisers want us to want to buy, and try things. Their objective is to get sales, and they do. If they make something look interesting and fun, we just might go do, or buy it.

-Our health related choices? Different Ad's will show us different things, some may try to convince us that smoking is cool, some may say the opposite. Usually the better Ad would win us over, unless we know right from wrong.

Mass media influences my life by showing me what may be "cool", or up to date. It's helped developed my style, and the way I act.

Racist KFC Video?

In Australia KFC created a commercial that many people said was racist. But is it really? The stereotype that African American people like chicken is fairly well known... In America. This commercial is not American, it's Australian! Maybe if this commercial was directed at African Americans, it would be racist. The people are not even African in this commercial! And I'm pretty sure any race of people would love some juicy KFC at a cricket game, i know i would! See the commercial below.