Friday, May 13, 2011

Ethics of News Reporting

Censorship plays a very large role in the news. it controls what is allowed to be shown and said on the news. news is very censored, as they cannot use obscenities or show bad things. Individual privacy controls whether a persons name can be said on the news or not. if someone does not care that they are on the news they will be, but if they don't want to be they wont be. there are usually never profanities and obscenities on the news because of censorship. Sensationalism over hypes things like events or news stories. the news uses this quite a bit. the news and media use promotion to make events and such bigger by letting more people know about them.

If a 17 year old was charged with a serious crime there should be no names put in the paper because they are underage, unless the reporters had permission from them.

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