Thursday, June 9, 2011

3.4 Editorial Get Real

First Nations leaders are demanding that they get a fair share of Saskatchewan's potash revenue. Their demands are that they get a fair share of the potash companies income and guaranteed jobs. Chief Guy Lonechild said the provincial government should force the companies running potash mines to work with the first nations. But Premier Brad Wall completely disagrees with this saying that would be a bad idea because it could scare off investment.

I am totally against the first nations in this situation. Why should they be given MORE money from the government? Because they are such a valuable asset to this country? Noooo way. They really do nothing, sure they're not ALL bad! But most of them do nothing. The government gives them tons of money because of treaties made way back in the day but they can never be satisfied. Like how the goverment funded and created a first nations university giving them 7 million dollars, but only for it to fail. Natives are givin treaty cards that allow them to get deals when they purchase goods. They just keep multiplying and doing nothing.

They still try to play the 'you took our land' card, but where would they be without us? We gave them technology and ideas. The countries in North America are some of the most successful and powerful countries in the world. These resources do not belong to them. They belong to the people that harvest them and own the land. The first nations are Canada's version of America's mexicans. Except they are not immigrants, and America was practically built by immigrants. But so was Canada. Before the white people came here Canada was nothing but savages.

If they want jobs then I have no problem with that at all. They can work for their money like the rest of us. They shouldn't be living off the government. Where i grew up, Pincher Creek. There's a reserve called Brockett about ten minutes away. I can't even count how many bumbs there are in town going up and down mainstreet every day. The natives there are pretty bad. There are only two problems with the town, average winds of 70km and natives. The natives are considered to be alot worse than the wind. I dont like to sound racist but almost anyone that grows up there would completely feel the same way.

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