Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Editorial- Aliens!?!?!?!

Are they really among us? Are they watching our every move? Well this is what i think... Yes, they are! It all starts way back when the Egyptians were around. It is said that aliens helped them build their pyramids, which i think is very true. They built huge pillars and lifted tons of rock to high places. Pretty hard to do when lacking technology, but not hard for aliens.

I also believe that aliens are what were said to be 'gods' in civilizations such as the Greeks. Many stories involve 'gods' doing amazing things like soaring across the sky on huge shiny objects. Hm... sounds like that could be a UFO! There were many other ancient civilizations that believed in gods that seem extraterrestrial. Like the Sumerians for example, talk of an alien race that were called the Annunaki. They said they came from an undiscovered planet beyond neptune called Niberu. They also created the Stargate.

There are countless reports of alien activity all over in our modern world as well. People say they see UFO's, get abducted, or even see aliens in person. There is definitely solid evidence out there proving aliens exist. For all we know our modern day 'god' could be an extraterrestrial being. Aliens said they will return one day, as did 'god/jesus'. The truth will be revealed one day, and a glorious day it will be.

watch these videos.

(editorial by drayden)

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