Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Editorial- What About the Kids!?

How long do we really have? The way things are going it doesn’t seem like very long. Global warming is getting worse and worse, and we’re not doing very much to stop it. The sun is getting more and more powerful as the o-zone layer is slowly deteriorating. The intensity of the sun is causing the ice caps to melt faster than ever. As the oceans get higher, flooding is bound to impact coastal areas all over the world. According to government Canada, only 4% of all earths’ water is drinkable.

Flooding from the oceans would most likely make that amount even less. Droughts and floods occur all over the world where they shouldn’t be. Wildfires destroy the tree’s that filter our air and release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. As permafrost melts methane is released into the air, which is much worse than carbon monoxide and can rapidly increase the greenhouse effect. There are so many things wrong with our world, and those aren’t even half of them. The blame for our planets problem can only be put on us, humanity.

Our survival depends on us fixing these problems, along with the survival of our kids. We can’t bring them up in a world that is on the edge of war and destruction. The most important thing we could do to help is to stop releasing so much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. The second most important thing would be to preserve and filter water. It is predicted that the third world war will be over fresh water. Our kids shouldn’t fight for what we wasted. We all need to do our part to save the planet, if not we will meet our demise before this lifetime is over.

(editorial and cartoon by Drayden Clinton)

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