Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feature Story- Exams

Classes are over and exams are underway! Tuesday june 21st was the last day of classes for high school students at Macklin School. Exams will run from Wednesday June 22nd to Monday June 27th. Nerves are running high as many students study frantically to get high marks on their tests. One student says "I'm trippin' out man! I'm never gonna pass all these tests" when asked how they felt about the finals.
Many students however are not worried about the finals at all and are just glad class is over. And for many students class is now over forever, well high school classes at least. The graduates are all very "excited to leave this shit hole" (quote from none other than Tamara Stang). All the other classes are very excited as well, not only for summer but going into the next grade. Especially the outstanding grade 11 class that will very soon be in grade 12.
There are very many exams to be written within these few days and it's most likely stressing out more than just the students. The wonderful teachers of Macklin have plenty of marking to do when examination time rolls around. Not only tests but lots of assignments as well, seeing how most students prefer to wait last minute to do their assignments. But when all is said and done everyone will be enjoying the beautiful summer weather and hot sun, especially one of Macklin schools most popular and loved janitors Mrs. Kohlman.

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