Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Job Shadow Reflection

I had the honor of job shadowing Jason Carney of the Pincher Creek fire department. On the day of June 8th 2011 I arrived at the fire hall around 9am to begin the day. I met up with jason and he introduced to the captain and other members of the team. It was a very comfortable environment probably because of the family like bond these men share. To start the day Jason gave me a tour of the place.
He first showed me the garage where the equipment and trucks were kept. Everything was so organized and ready to go at any moment. He then took me to sleeping quarters for the men that had the night shift. The rooms were very small and simple, they had small beds with a night stand and a closet. Then he took me to the gym where the fire fighters could workout and keep in shape when not putting out fires. But judging by most of the men the gym didn't get much use. Then i got to see the big kitchen and dining room. He also showed me the rec room that had a big TV, pool table, vending machines, couches, and playstation. This was definitely the most used room out of them all.
Jason taught me about different types of equipment they used and why they used it. For example i learned they need to use two jackets, the under jacket is fireproof and the outer jacket carries equipment such as water, flashlight, and a fireproof blanket. And if the scenario calls for it they even wear bullet proof vests. When a fireman is fully dressed they weigh and additional 120 pounds. I even got to see how fast i could get out of a bed, slide down the pole and put on the equipment and get on the truck. I didn't get a very good time, but it wasn't to bad.
Later that day there was a field fire reported on the edge of town so i got to see the firemen scramble to get ready and hop on the truck. They were much faster than i was. I was even allowed to ride on the fire truck to the fire! But by the time we arrived on the scene the fire was already out. Judging by the burn marks it wasn't much of a fire at all. The firemen investigated the fire and concluded that it was natural causes that started it.
By the time we got back to the station the day was over and I went home. This job shadow was very enlightening and exciting. Being a fireman would be very interesting and challenging.

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