Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Job Shadow Reflection

I had the honor of job shadowing Jason Carney of the Pincher Creek fire department. On the day of June 8th 2011 I arrived at the fire hall around 9am to begin the day. I met up with jason and he introduced to the captain and other members of the team. It was a very comfortable environment probably because of the family like bond these men share. To start the day Jason gave me a tour of the place.
He first showed me the garage where the equipment and trucks were kept. Everything was so organized and ready to go at any moment. He then took me to sleeping quarters for the men that had the night shift. The rooms were very small and simple, they had small beds with a night stand and a closet. Then he took me to the gym where the fire fighters could workout and keep in shape when not putting out fires. But judging by most of the men the gym didn't get much use. Then i got to see the big kitchen and dining room. He also showed me the rec room that had a big TV, pool table, vending machines, couches, and playstation. This was definitely the most used room out of them all.
Jason taught me about different types of equipment they used and why they used it. For example i learned they need to use two jackets, the under jacket is fireproof and the outer jacket carries equipment such as water, flashlight, and a fireproof blanket. And if the scenario calls for it they even wear bullet proof vests. When a fireman is fully dressed they weigh and additional 120 pounds. I even got to see how fast i could get out of a bed, slide down the pole and put on the equipment and get on the truck. I didn't get a very good time, but it wasn't to bad.
Later that day there was a field fire reported on the edge of town so i got to see the firemen scramble to get ready and hop on the truck. They were much faster than i was. I was even allowed to ride on the fire truck to the fire! But by the time we arrived on the scene the fire was already out. Judging by the burn marks it wasn't much of a fire at all. The firemen investigated the fire and concluded that it was natural causes that started it.
By the time we got back to the station the day was over and I went home. This job shadow was very enlightening and exciting. Being a fireman would be very interesting and challenging.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Feature Story- Game 7 Baby!

Last night was game 7 in the final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Boston Bruins crushed the Vancouver Canucks at the Rogers arena in Vancouver to bring home the cup. The Bruins took the game by storm with a 4-0 win. The Bruins definitely out played, out hit, and out skated the Canucks. The Bruins certainly had a great year and an even greater playoff run with all their wins against Canucks being blowouts. The Canucks should not dwell on this loss because they had a great year and playoff run as well.

Tim Thomas put on a more than impressive performance throughout the series with the record amount of saves in the playoffs and and impressive 37 saves last night. Who other than him should receive the Con Smith trophy. Mark Recci played very well also, especially for his age. He definitely went out with a bang, finishing his career with a Stanley Cup win. Luongo on the other hand deserves nothing but a pay decrease with his terrible goaltending through the series. Letting in about 4 goals in one period in game six, but on the other hand he had 2 shutouts in the series.

I interviewed Jonathon Brosinsky about this game and he had lots to say. Jon said he thought the game was terrible and that the canucks are a great team with great chemistry but they just didn't have what it takes to beat the Bruins. I asked how he felt about they way both teams played throughout the series and his reply was that he felt that Boston really ruled the series because every game that Boston had a chance to play hard they took it. Vancouver is a good team but they didn't play to their full potential. Jon thought had faith in Vancouver and thought they could pull it off but they just never pulled through.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Reply to 'A Short Shelf Life'. An editorial about The Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and how they plaster huge images of aborted fetus's all over Calgary.

I agree that putting these graphic images everywhere for the public eyes to see is crossing a line. I definitely agree that although students are sexually active these pictures should not be thrusted in their faces right as they walk out of school. Students dont need to see these images to be tought about being 'pro life'. They should be tought about drinking and driving also but you dont see pictures of dead mangled drunk drivers everywhere. There is a time and a place for these images to be viewed, even little kids can see this stuff and that is not something they should see. If these people want to educate kids on this sort of thing they should go about it in a decent way like holding a presentation.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

3.4 Editorial Get Real

First Nations leaders are demanding that they get a fair share of Saskatchewan's potash revenue. Their demands are that they get a fair share of the potash companies income and guaranteed jobs. Chief Guy Lonechild said the provincial government should force the companies running potash mines to work with the first nations. But Premier Brad Wall completely disagrees with this saying that would be a bad idea because it could scare off investment.

I am totally against the first nations in this situation. Why should they be given MORE money from the government? Because they are such a valuable asset to this country? Noooo way. They really do nothing, sure they're not ALL bad! But most of them do nothing. The government gives them tons of money because of treaties made way back in the day but they can never be satisfied. Like how the goverment funded and created a first nations university giving them 7 million dollars, but only for it to fail. Natives are givin treaty cards that allow them to get deals when they purchase goods. They just keep multiplying and doing nothing.

They still try to play the 'you took our land' card, but where would they be without us? We gave them technology and ideas. The countries in North America are some of the most successful and powerful countries in the world. These resources do not belong to them. They belong to the people that harvest them and own the land. The first nations are Canada's version of America's mexicans. Except they are not immigrants, and America was practically built by immigrants. But so was Canada. Before the white people came here Canada was nothing but savages.

If they want jobs then I have no problem with that at all. They can work for their money like the rest of us. They shouldn't be living off the government. Where i grew up, Pincher Creek. There's a reserve called Brockett about ten minutes away. I can't even count how many bumbs there are in town going up and down mainstreet every day. The natives there are pretty bad. There are only two problems with the town, average winds of 70km and natives. The natives are considered to be alot worse than the wind. I dont like to sound racist but almost anyone that grows up there would completely feel the same way.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Editorial- Aliens!?!?!?!

Are they really among us? Are they watching our every move? Well this is what i think... Yes, they are! It all starts way back when the Egyptians were around. It is said that aliens helped them build their pyramids, which i think is very true. They built huge pillars and lifted tons of rock to high places. Pretty hard to do when lacking technology, but not hard for aliens.

I also believe that aliens are what were said to be 'gods' in civilizations such as the Greeks. Many stories involve 'gods' doing amazing things like soaring across the sky on huge shiny objects. Hm... sounds like that could be a UFO! There were many other ancient civilizations that believed in gods that seem extraterrestrial. Like the Sumerians for example, talk of an alien race that were called the Annunaki. They said they came from an undiscovered planet beyond neptune called Niberu. They also created the Stargate.

There are countless reports of alien activity all over in our modern world as well. People say they see UFO's, get abducted, or even see aliens in person. There is definitely solid evidence out there proving aliens exist. For all we know our modern day 'god' could be an extraterrestrial being. Aliens said they will return one day, as did 'god/jesus'. The truth will be revealed one day, and a glorious day it will be.

watch these videos.

(editorial by drayden)

Feature Story- Exams

Classes are over and exams are underway! Tuesday june 21st was the last day of classes for high school students at Macklin School. Exams will run from Wednesday June 22nd to Monday June 27th. Nerves are running high as many students study frantically to get high marks on their tests. One student says "I'm trippin' out man! I'm never gonna pass all these tests" when asked how they felt about the finals.
Many students however are not worried about the finals at all and are just glad class is over. And for many students class is now over forever, well high school classes at least. The graduates are all very "excited to leave this shit hole" (quote from none other than Tamara Stang). All the other classes are very excited as well, not only for summer but going into the next grade. Especially the outstanding grade 11 class that will very soon be in grade 12.
There are very many exams to be written within these few days and it's most likely stressing out more than just the students. The wonderful teachers of Macklin have plenty of marking to do when examination time rolls around. Not only tests but lots of assignments as well, seeing how most students prefer to wait last minute to do their assignments. But when all is said and done everyone will be enjoying the beautiful summer weather and hot sun, especially one of Macklin schools most popular and loved janitors Mrs. Kohlman.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Editorial- What About the Kids!?

How long do we really have? The way things are going it doesn’t seem like very long. Global warming is getting worse and worse, and we’re not doing very much to stop it. The sun is getting more and more powerful as the o-zone layer is slowly deteriorating. The intensity of the sun is causing the ice caps to melt faster than ever. As the oceans get higher, flooding is bound to impact coastal areas all over the world. According to government Canada, only 4% of all earths’ water is drinkable.

Flooding from the oceans would most likely make that amount even less. Droughts and floods occur all over the world where they shouldn’t be. Wildfires destroy the tree’s that filter our air and release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. As permafrost melts methane is released into the air, which is much worse than carbon monoxide and can rapidly increase the greenhouse effect. There are so many things wrong with our world, and those aren’t even half of them. The blame for our planets problem can only be put on us, humanity.

Our survival depends on us fixing these problems, along with the survival of our kids. We can’t bring them up in a world that is on the edge of war and destruction. The most important thing we could do to help is to stop releasing so much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. The second most important thing would be to preserve and filter water. It is predicted that the third world war will be over fresh water. Our kids shouldn’t fight for what we wasted. We all need to do our part to save the planet, if not we will meet our demise before this lifetime is over.

(editorial and cartoon by Drayden Clinton)

Monday, May 30, 2011


I feel that this image represents our school in a way that it shows how long it has been around. Inside these books you can see the people that actually make the school a school, us students and the teachers. The building itself is not what makes Macklin school.

Biased Free Reporting

-Do not give any links or phone numbers.
-Do not write the Gender-Specific pronouns.
-Assume the best about people.
-Make the facts clear so that there is no room for judgement.
-Quote accurately.
-State the pros and the cons of the topic that you are presenting.
-You should not sound to excited about your topic.
-Do your homework so your facts are stated clearly.
-Do not try to convince in your story, it will seem that you are biased.
-Ask Questions.

Press Release

The Macklin Travel Club went on a trip to china this month. They went to see historical stuff and many other things.

(couldn't record as a podcast)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ethics of News Reporting

Censorship plays a very large role in the news. it controls what is allowed to be shown and said on the news. news is very censored, as they cannot use obscenities or show bad things. Individual privacy controls whether a persons name can be said on the news or not. if someone does not care that they are on the news they will be, but if they don't want to be they wont be. there are usually never profanities and obscenities on the news because of censorship. Sensationalism over hypes things like events or news stories. the news uses this quite a bit. the news and media use promotion to make events and such bigger by letting more people know about them.

If a 17 year old was charged with a serious crime there should be no names put in the paper because they are underage, unless the reporters had permission from them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

IF... YOU... SEEK... AMY... ;)

"Love me, hate me, say what you want about me, but all the boys and all the girls are beggin to if you seek Amy" =P

There's not much to say about this song.. It's pretty darn obvious that Brittney Spears wants to go home with someone, and not for some pie! The message isn't necessarily 'HIDDEN', but you should be able to get the jyst of things.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Us and the Media

Everyone can be influenced by advertising, both positively and negatively. Advertisements may cheer us up, or show us things that can improve our life. They could also make us feel like dirt, or make us want to pick up unhealthy habits.

-How we dress? When we see new clothes on commercials, or in magazines, we want them. especially if they're nice, or if that's whats "in".

-How we behave and speak? Most of us try and copy what the media portrays. For example, if the media is trying show that being mean is cool, many of us may act like that.

-How we feel about ourselves? The media usually buts beautiful, attractive people in Ad's. This makes people think they need to look better, and they become self conscious.

-How we spend our time and money? The media and advertisers want us to want to buy, and try things. Their objective is to get sales, and they do. If they make something look interesting and fun, we just might go do, or buy it.

-Our health related choices? Different Ad's will show us different things, some may try to convince us that smoking is cool, some may say the opposite. Usually the better Ad would win us over, unless we know right from wrong.

Mass media influences my life by showing me what may be "cool", or up to date. It's helped developed my style, and the way I act.

Racist KFC Video?

In Australia KFC created a commercial that many people said was racist. But is it really? The stereotype that African American people like chicken is fairly well known... In America. This commercial is not American, it's Australian! Maybe if this commercial was directed at African Americans, it would be racist. The people are not even African in this commercial! And I'm pretty sure any race of people would love some juicy KFC at a cricket game, i know i would! See the commercial below.